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  • Writer's pictureRaphleta Taylor


Not Only Our Knees But Our Hearts


Mon peuple, I tell you these days it is either Nike or Under Armour seems all things concerning me in Canada are ‘under armour’. Be that as it may can you believe it? We have already almost completed half of the year. People you think of something Just do it! I mean Just do it! Before somebody go ahead and do it for you or you are like Raphleta want to do many things and is being blocked  by malicious criminals. God is good we give Him thanks for life and the fact that mine enemies which are more than the hairs on my head have not triumphed over me. I tell you people I have been through so many brand names there is Winners for those of you who do not know what that is it is a Canadian clothing store, then there is Budweiser. I have to give you all a joke about this label. Usually the Nazis and Mafias use this label when they are assured of victory. I tell you interacting with these people have taught me so much about the kingdom of darkness. Usually the devil announces victory even before he has gotten out of the block. Then He tells you what he wants you to do etc I think I have covered this mind game thoroughly in last month`s blog post Understanding the Spirit of Jezebel. Here it is I was thrown out of everywhere I went to do some typing. Usually, once the Nazis and Mafias harass me I just go and hold a Protest. While I was on my way I saw the Budweiser logo and a few more signs like faeces on the streets etc the Holy Spirit said to me `Raphleta where are you going? But I continued, however when a Caucasian lady came out of her house and smiled at me, I just turned right around. That more than anything else confirmed to me that they were prepared for me. Anytime any Caucasian is nice to me I feel like Caesar felt when Brutus knife entered his back, serious betrayal. Suffice it to say persons were not very happy that I had changed my protest site.  Then there is the Dr. Pepper some of the labels I haven't a clue what they mean. Most times I do not pay any attention to them and their signs. Daddy made the devil once I cue in to Him I am in good stead.

Well people with the constant harassment in St. Catharines I decided to visit Ottawa. That was a challenge because everytime I try to leave any city I am always blocked. Persons knew I would be leaving on May 1st because it was written in my notebook and they go through my things on a regular basis in the midnight hours when demonic activities are at its height. The last Go bus from St. Catharines left without me. I stayed at the plaza until morning, and got the first bus out unfortunately they stole my money while I was sleeping in the GO bus. These are the same people who deliberately tried to kill me on January 6, 2017 by hitting me with one of their buses on a crosswalk. The fact that I did not sue seems to be giving them added power because they have used every opportunity to harass me since. I will correct this oversight on my part.  Fortunately, like any black woman from Jamaica that is used to experiencing hurricane I was prepared. When I went to the TD bank at Bay and Queen Streets across from City Hall Toronto, TD Bank that has replaced three of my cards thus far because it seems like a game my cards are stolen I just go to the bank and tell them. The last time in Quebec they did not even look at my ID because they are always expecting me it has become a regular occurrence with me. The first time my cards were stolen in the USA on returning to Canada I did not have any Canadian identification. I was using two pieces of ID given to me by some organizations in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. I advised all my bankers that all my documents were stolen in Dallas, Texas and showed them the little piece of paper given to me by the police in Dallas. Then my card was gobbled up by the Laurentine Bank in Quebec while I was checking my account balance, this time I had my health Card. It took me a few minutes to replace. Then my cards were stolen by the Walmart at Laurier Boulevard in Quebec. I accidentally left my pouch with all my cards and when I returned they stole all the cards and placed a wallet in the place where they took up the cards. When I went to the bank I had no problem replacing my card they did not even look at the Health Card I had because they were expecting me. The only problem I had was that the Teller had changed my permanent address to a temporary address in Quebec and when I asked her to make the change she refused, so I had to do this by telephone. That is three cards within one year. The fact of the matter is that TD Bank has been doing a number of things with my account and stealing my money and I have been ignoring them. I have learnt in the pass that I cannot be lax with any organization in Canada or they will suck out my life like parasites.

Case in point for about one year TD Bank has been asking me to increase the level of security on my online account.  I have ignored them because it is useless putting in additional security when I use public computers and persons are always shadowing me on the computer and they are always eavesdropping on my calls. Time and time again I have had to hang up on persons who have usurped my telephone calls. Once I realize that it is a fake call all I do is just hang up. I have no time to waste plus a communications van is always following me around for eleven years now, in Canada, Jamaica and the USA.  TD just decided to go ahead and upgrade the security on my account by asking that I add a telephone number. I have called and written and told them I have no telephone and they should use my email instead. They said it has to be a telephone and there is nothing they can do. I spoke to a teller at the branch on University Avenue who told me that I must be mistaken. Nothing has changed. When I need to make a change in my account I just call them and ask them to do it since they want me to use the telephone. Prior to this I went into the TD Bank at the World Exchange Centre in Ottawa in 2018 and asked that my monthly service charge be increased to the amount that would give me unlimited number of transactions per month, the lying, unethical ‘cooley’ (Indian) that did the change told me that the necessary change was made. Only to be in St. Prosper, Quebec and went into the store and my card was declined. When I was able to get a call (because Desjardins had refused to give me a call) I was told that in addition to my monthly service charge of ten dollars ninety five cents, I had paid another thirty two dollars and fifty cents for service charges because I had gone over my twenty five transactions and each additional transaction cost one dollar twenty five cents. This was not the first time I have paid these astronomical bank charges.  Then there is the TD Bank in the USA who stole my ten dollars by charging me service fee for changing my Canadian dollars into US Dollars. I wrote the regulators in the USA nothing has come of that.

The only bank that has refused to replace my cards is BNS and they know why because they do not want to have to steal any more of my money. They just steal my money with impunity. I went into TD Bank with my Health Card and all of a sudden they do not want my card number, (I memorize my card number) and they needed my PIN. They gave me a long list of the required identifications and told me that I needed a police report about my stolen passport. Would you believe I am dealing with these people from June 2018 about my stolen passport and they are now requiring a police report? People, these criminality are too high for me. When I am protesting I say I am from the Third World, First World criminality is too sophisticated for me Need to leave VITE! VITE! I realized that they have decided to lock my account. I would deal with TD Bank at a later date. I will not allow them to waste my time or good God given energy. I tell you people you want people to just waste your time and speak foolishness come to Canada. In the Spirit I am wearing blinkers. I have to shut them out.

I went and bought my bus ticket at the bus station and went to get something to eat and missed the bus.There were no street cars in sight, they were missing in action. I explained to the Greyhound gentleman and he gave me another ticket. Greyhound does not seem to want any run in with me again.  I stayed put waiting to hear the bus announced. They announced all the buses until it came to my bus, the bus was leaving 2:30 p.m. Then I realized that I was not hearing any more announcements when I checked the time it was 3:30 pm. I had to go back to the Greyhound Customer Service, he wrote me another ticket and said sit in the red chairs the person will come and check your ticket. I should have been aware of this move, because they did the exact same thing when I was in Phoenix, Arizona and that time I was actually sitting in the departure area.The bus ride is the next drama as usual no lights and no air conditioning. Anytime I am going on a Greyhound and they start calling the seats by numbers, there is going to be action aboard. Usually, I sit right behind the driver. That is my seat, no interaction with anyone. When I went in the driver had his bag on the seat with a Starbucks napkin prominently displayed.  I had to go to the back so I chose to sit across from the Washroom because I was praying this night for Daddy to answer my only unanswered prayer. I wanted to facilitate the answering of the prayer. One black gentleman came to ask if the washroom was occupied I looked at him, He saw my face and went and sat down. Then another gentleman came, seems to be of mixed nationality with the words ‘Dirty Hands Clean Money’ written in white on his black t-shirt. He looked at me and went into the washroom by the time he came out my knife was in my hands and I was snoozing. My bags were covered this time. It must have been very easy on the GO bus under the watchful eyes of the bus driver. That is why Greyhound must have said they did not want any crime taking place under the watchful eyes of their driver. The thief in the marked t-shirt continued to visit the washroom until he decided to disembark at Peterborough. Then another group came on this time they only visited the washroom once but I noticed the little thieving ‘cooley’ (Indian) girl sitting across from me was quite fidgety things were not going according to plan. Unfortunately, my prayer remains unanswered.

I went to sleep last night only to realize that the crooks and criminals have stuck me in my feet and released all sorts of toxins in my system. When I was in St. Catharines I drank some tea to cleanse my system and when I went out I could not believe that all those black substances were coming out of my body.  I will write a paper on the number of different things they are injecting me with. Now today May 11, my feet are quite swollen I have to wash out my system again. I would like to know what I have done the crooks and criminals in Jamaica that call themselves Politicians why they are after my life. Not one of those crooks can say they have ever given me a sweet. I would not even talk about the current set of criminals that call themselves business men. I would like to know why you do not leave me and mine alone. I have no intention of returning to Jamaica until you have all died you are all and I mean all too criminal.

People, busy here in Ottawa protesting on Parliament Hill about the criminality. I have to give you another joke. I have a number of placards so I decided to synchronize the changing of my placards with the chiming of the clock on the hill. It chimes every fifteen minutes. I tell you the next day I went back the clock stopped chiming. Lord help my Holy Ghost!!

God is good we will not complain once there is life there is hope. It ain't over until the big man upstairs says it is.


In my continued quest to understand the ways of God and the things of God I want to extricate everything from the life of the man that God says was a man after his own heart. I remember my first encounter with the whole area of submission. Remember people I am a single woman never married and more or less did as I pleased. The only thing i knew about submission was Dr. Carolyn Harrell in years ‘ I am a single woman I only submit to my Pastor, the Bible says wife submit to your own husband I have no husband, it is God, the Pastor and your husband.’ Dr. Harrell is a lady speaker that ‘Women’s Aglow’ brought to Jamaica.  I am also of the opinion that most Pastors do not understand this area and abuse the sheep. The following testimony I have already mentioned in a previous blog post.

I was in my room listening to a Pastor John Bevere cassette (I do not know if the CD was invented I had cassettes, I definitely did not have any Youtube in 2001), on Submission as portrayed in the life of King David and right there in my bedroom I was convicted. The Spirit said ‘Raphleta what you people are doing to the Pastor is wrong. You people cannot be deciding the outcome of the meeting even before the meeting is held. You cannot be speaking about matters behind the Pastor's back.’ I remember, immediately I went on my knees and repented.

Then the next day the word was tested I got a telephone call about the Pastor, I said no the Pastor is a good man call him and share your concerns he will listen. I had to do that on another occasion. I have not looked back from that day. I will tell you what I think to your face I will not tear you down behind your back.  That is why the Nigerians thought I was weak when I went and apologize to the Pastor. I suppose strong people do not apologize, oh yeah!! As King David would say it is because of the integrity of my heart why I have not been consumed. I heard one Pastor said the degree of your testing is an indication of the amount of word you know. I want no more test so I kind of stop studying any new scriptures. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! In addition, Dr. Myles has reminded us that, Daddy does not give away anything, you have to qualify for it. I tell you this kingdom is dangerous.


Explore: verb - Travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it

-Travel over (traverse)

-Search for resources such as minerals

-inquire into or discuss (a subject or issue) in details

Biblical: adjective- related to or contained in the Bible

-resembling the language or style of the Bible

-very great, on a large scale.

Submission:noun -

1. The action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person

2. The action of presenting a proposal or application, or other document for consideration or judgment.


📷Just to refresh our memories about this story, Israel said they wanted a king like all the other nations around them even though this was not God’s original plan he conceded. Let us listen to a tape by Dr. Myles Munroe on this subject. After telling Prophet Samuel to warn them about the implications of their decision I Samuel 8 verses 11 - 18. God anointed Saul who was head and shoulders above everyone else. King Saul then disobeyed a number of  specific instructions given to him by God culminating with  I Samuel 15 verse 22 where Prophet Samuel had to tell him that ‘obedience is better than sacrifice’. Then in I Samuel 15 verse 27. He was told that the kingdom was taken from him and given to his neighbour.

God had to wake up Prophet Samuel and send him to anoint David. When he arrived at Jesse's house in Bethlehem, Jesse presented seven sons overlooking David who was in the field attending the sheep. However, God rejected the seven and David had to be sent for. He was anointed, concurrently the Spirit of the Lord left King Saul and was replaced by an evil spirit. It ended up that God had them hire David as a musician to King Saul. David’s resume is in I Samuel 16 verse 18 as stated by one of King Saul’s young men.  The book of Proverbs said you are not to praise yourself ; you are to let another praise you Proverbs 27 verse 2. The David solved a problem for Israel by getting rid of Goliath and was elevated in the kingdom. In I Samuel 18 verse 5 - it stated:      5 And David went out whithersoever Saul sent him, and behaved himself wisely: and Saul set him over the men of war, and he was accepted in the sight of all the people, and also in the sight of Saul's servants.

However, in singing the women credited thousands to Saul and ten thousands to David and this made him angry and from that day he began to watch David  I Samuel 18 verses 6-9. From then on things went downhill in the relationship of King Saul and David in I Samuel 18 verse 11 he tried to kill him by throwing his spear at him. He was afraid of David because the Lord was with him and had departed from him I Samuel 18 verse 12. David was moved from his presence and made a commander of a thousand and the Lord continued to show favour to him so that he continued to be successful. Saul sought to give him his eldest daughter Merab to marry and then gave her to another man. Then he promised David, Michal who loved him in order to get her he had to produce one hundred Philistines foreskins. King Saul was hoping that the Philistines would have killed David. Nothing worked out in Saul’s favour everything worked out in David’s favour and this caused Saul to be afraid I Samuel 18 verses 17 - 29.

King Saul also spoke to Jonathan his son to have David killed I Samuel 19 verses 1-2.

Jonathan reconciled them I Samuel 19 verses 4-6

Then David wrought a mighty victory and the harmful spirit came back on Saul that he sought to pin David to the wall with his spear. David fled and escaped.  Saul sent messengers to his house to watch for him. His wife Michal had to tell him what was happening. She had to let him down through a window I Samuel 19 verses 8-17 (Apostle Paul in the Book of Acts) placed an image on the bed to represent him and putting a pillow of goats hair at its head.

Then David went to Samuel at Ramah and they both went to Naioth. Saul sent messengers thrice and when they encountered the company of the prophets they began to prophesy. Then Saul himself went and he prophesied all day and night naked before the prophets  I Samuel 19 verses 11-24. Are there any real Prophets of God in the house?

Then David fled again and had to be fed by the Priest Ahimelech which would be proven deadly for them because of Doeg the Edomite, the Chief of Saul’s Herdsmen, who was present. David had to arm himself with Goliath’s sword. He fled right into the hand of the heathen in the form of King Achish the King of Gath  I Samuel 21 verse 10.

They remembered his valiant deeds and in order to save his life David pretended to be mad I Samuel 21 verses 11-13.

David then fled to the Cave of Adullam when his brothers and all his father's house heard they went to him. And everyone who was in distress, debt, bitter in soul gathered to him. He became commander over approximately four hundred men I Samuel 22 verse 2.

Then David was off to Mizpeh where the Moabites were, he had to leave his parents with them for safe keeping I Samuel 22 verse 4.

Prophet Gad told him to leave the caves and go into the land of Judah I Samuel 22 verse 5.

Saul heard David was in Judah and tried to blackmail his servants with gifts in order to go after David. However, this is where Doeg who was one of the servants discloses that he had seen David in the temple in Jerusalem and the Priest had ministered unto him. Saul summoned all the Priests and then had Doeg to kill all eighty five of them. Then they destroyed Nob the city of the Priests. However, Abiathar one of Ahimelech’s son escaped and went to David I Samuel 22 verses 8 -20.

Then the Philistines came against the city of Keilah and David saved it but had to leave because of the fact that Saul was after him and the city would have betrayed him. He lived in the wilderness of Ziph and his stronghold and Saul sought him everyday I Samuel 23 verse 14.

Jonathan made a covenant with David in the wilderness of Ziph at Horesh I Samuel 23 verse 18. Then the Ziphites betrayed David I Samuel 23 verses 19-20. Saul pursued after David and was closing in but the Bible says a messenger came to Saul, saying ‘Hurry and come, for the Philistines have made a raid against the land.’ I Samuel 23 verse 27. Saul had to return from pursuing David and go attend to business at home. Father may all my enemies receive a message of bad tidings so they have to leave off pursuing me. I tell you when God fights your battles. The place was called the Rock of escape I Samuel 23 verse 28.  David went and lived in the strongholds of Engedi.


Our first lesson in Biblical submission!

King Saul was David’s enemy? Right!

King Saul sought relentlessly to kill David? Right

Let us look at the first test in leadership Biblical submission.

The problem in the world today is that everyone wants to be in charge and they do not care about the process to this leadership.

You can read the story for yourself in I Samuel 24 - Saul returned to pursue David in the wilderness of Engedi, God set up Saul and he went to relieve himself in a cave that was occupied by David and his men. David cut off the hem of Saul’s garment and his men tried to persuade him to kill Saul but in his own words

6 And he said unto his men, The Lord forbid that I should do this thing unto my master, the Lord's anointed, to stretch forth mine hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the Lord.

Effectively telling his me the king is God’s anointed let Him get rid of him.  Good philosophy to have in life. After this Saul went home.

Then David went to the wilderness of Paran after his only support in the form of Prophet Samuel had died. I Samuel 25 is also the story of Nabal suffice it to say that a good wife indeed her price is far above rubies. Nabal had refused to assist David after he had protected his goods in the wilderness and his wife Abigail averted disaster by petitioning David. Suffice it to say God killed Nabal  I Samuel 25 verse 38 and David married Abigail.  She was his third wife all's well that ends well. Lesson  do not bite the hands that helped you (Jamaican style).


David given the second opportunity to kill Saul I Samuel 26

The chatty mouth Ziphites went to Saul at Gibeah and told him that David was in the hills Hachilah on the east of Jeshimon. Saul encamped on the east of Jeshimon. Saul encamped on the Hill of Hachilah, while David remained in the wilderness when it was night David and Abishai the brother of Joab went into the camp and David took Saul’s spear and the jar of water that is at his head I Samuel 26 verse 12 . A deep sleep from the Lord had fallen upon them.  David returned the spear and Saul repented again


David decided in order to evade Saul he would go over to the land of the Philistines. David lived with Achish King of Gath  and Saul no longer sought him. Then he asked Achish for a place for himself away from the royal city. King Achish gave him Ziklag. Then David made strikes against the land of the Philistines being careful to destroy everyone so that no one would be able to tell on him. However, he told King Achish that his strikes were against the land of Israel. He stayed in the land of the Philistines one year and four months operating this way  I Samuel 27.

I Samuel 28  - Saul is reduced to going to the obeah man even breaking his own laws.

I Samuel 29   - David not allowed to join the battle of the Philistines against Israel

I Samuel 30   - Another great leadership principle from the life of David.

When David returned to Ziklag from being refused to go to war with the Philistines his city had been burned by the Amalekites and all their possessions taken including their wives and children. After everyone cursed David and decided to stone him. He encouraged himself in the Lord and sought guidance from God.  I Samuel 30 verse 8 However, in their pursuit of their enemy two hundred men were too tired to continue  I Samuel 30 verse 10 However, the mission was successful and they recovered all and more . Then some of the four hundred decided that they were not going to share with those left behind verse 22. But David said everybody shared equally those who stayed behind and those who completed the mission verse 24

Generosity of Spirit He also shared with those around him verses 26-31. Remembered those who assisted you in your hard times.  The Jamaican people put it this way ‘Do not bite the hands that feed yuh’

I Samuel 31  Saul and his three sons died in battle Saul committed suicide by falling on his sword because he did not want to fall prey to the Philistines.      


As we all know Jesus is the perfect example everything else is commentary.

I do only what i see my Father does St. John 5 verses 15-20

In the life of Jesus the crucifixion is the ultimate sacrifice and sign of submission to the will of God St. Matthew 26 verse 39


There is a lot written on submission between husband and wives. In fact, you would think this is the only way people can submit. Then we have the situation regarding being submitted to secular and spiritual authority.

Husband and Wife - Ephesians 5 verses 22-33


In these days of major upheavals when every Tom, Dick or Harry has decided it is their right to be leader of a nation,whether by fair or foul means. It is refreshing to be reminded that in this kingdom we do things differently. We wait until we are elevated by God and also the benefits of not usurping the position of another.

Well, once again it has been my pleasure to share any new knowledge I have gained with you as we continue to re-discover this kingdom together.

This is me Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion of Canada.

À bientôt

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